The impact of seeing George Floyd’s final breaths on our screens reverberated across the whole the world in the summer of 2020, and it certainly hit us too. We have been compelled to repent, educate and to act. We want to be Jesus’ church as he calls us to be: a body of people, of all tribes, peoples and languages, where every one of us made in his image, coming together to worship his name. We don’t want our anti-racist and inclusion work to be a side-project or ’special calling’--or indeed to be ’ticking the box’--but for it to permeate everything who all that we are as a church. As it has been pointed out, (and already learnt) this work will not be easy and the learning will go on forever.
Here are our specific goals:
1) To be a place where people of color know they belong, and that they - and the needs of their communities - are seen, recognized and cared for.
2) To be a more integrated community. We want to be a church where people of all racial and ethnic identities can find belonging. Rather than maintaining homogeny, we aim to diversify in a range of new ways: from our worship sounds and our theological input, to our social activities, outreach, and ‘welcome' protocols.
3) To raise the ‘ethnic IQ’ of the whole body. We will continue to understand the different and varying needs of ethnic minority communities. For all of us, this is a lifetime's work.
We have hosted anti-racist book and film clubs, attended workshops and held numerous discussions with members of our community who are committed to change. We ask that the whole church join with us in these endeavors. We are excited for what is to come. You can find out about upcoming events and courses on our newsletter and instagram.